As a homeowner, caring for your trees can be a full-time task sometimes. Your trees need plenty of TLC to make sure they stay green and healthy. It’s important you keep an eye out to stay on top of any health issues that may affect your tree (e.g. pests, parasites, and disease).

One thing to remember about good tree care is that it’s an all-year job. To keep your tree in good condition, it’s important to remember to continue caring for it even in winter. Trees might be dormant in winter, but they can still feel the effects of cold and dryness. That means your trees will need some help on your end to stay safe and last the winter. Here are some things you can do to protect your trees until spring comes around.

Winter Tree Care Made Easy

  • Add some mulch – Mulch is a must-have for winter, especially when you have young trees that need a leg-up to get used to where you’ve planted them. Winter mulching can be a big help in letting the roots retain water and moisture, which are some much-needed resources for the winter. Apply a thin layer of mulch (around 7 centimetres thick) to insulate the roots. Place the layer under the tree’s dripline (the area covered by leaves in summer). Don’t place the mulch too close to the tree; instead, put the mulch in a “donut” shape around the tree. Another thing you can do to spice up your tree care is adding a layer of compost under the mulch. This measure helps ensure your tree has plenty of nutrients when spring comes to encourage healthy growth.

Winter Tree Care Made Easy

  • Protect yourself – Your tree isn’t the only thing to look after in winter. Remember to take care of yourself too. Trees can be susceptible to limb breakage in winter, especially when the branches get overloaded with snow. Pruning can go a long way toward removing overhanging branches and make it safe to be around that tree. Now that the leaves have fallen, it’s a good time to check on your trees and look for branches that look unstable, diseased, or overloaded. Winter is a great time to do some pruning or cabling to make the tree much safer in the future.

Winter Tree Care Made Easy

Do some preventive pruning – Pruning is often necessary for trees as a safety measure. For example, it helps keep the tree’s crown from getting overloaded or unbalanced. For that matter, winter is also a great time to get the tree pruning done. Without the leaves, it’s easier to see the structure of the branches and find out where to cut to balance the tree and without causing more trauma. The cold weather also means pests won’t be able to come out and feast on the tree’s wounds. Schedule some corrective pruning for your tree this winter to keep it and the area safe. It’s especially important in the case of young trees. This is a chance to correct any structural defects in the tree early on before they become an issue. Like people, young trees can also heal more easily than mature ones, making it a good idea to take advantage of their age while you can.

  • Keep the pests at bay – As you do your inspection, keep an eye out for signs of threats to the tree’s health. For example, look for any caterpillars on the tree’s branches so you can remove them before they grow into moths. The search is also a great opportunity to check the tree for any telltale signs of disease (e.g. open lesions and abnormal lumps). You can also take steps inside the house. Keep your food (including pet food) tightly sealed and stored safely away to avoid attracting pests like rodents.
  • Use tree guards – Trees, particularly young trees, can often become for animals scrounging for food in winter. Many pests are prone to eating bark if they can’t find other food, making tree protection a priority. Set up some barriers to deter pests from nibbling on the bark. Plastic tree guards or wire mesh enclosures are a great way to keep pests at bay. Make sure the guard is retractable and breathable to allow the tree to continue growing even with it on. When spring comes and the temperatures start rising, remove all your tree guards to avoid moisture buildup.

Winter Tree Care Made Easy

  • Water your trees properly – The winter months tend to be cold and dry, which can be an issue for trees. Since there isn’t as much rain now as the rest of the year, a tree may not always be able to absorb as much water as it needs. Continue to water your tree carefully through the winter to ensure it gets enough water to live. Water your trees twice a week for an hour to let them absorb all the water they need. Use a soaker hose at the base of the tree to slowly soak the area around the roots; this makes sure the water seeps deep into the ground so the roots can get enough to drink.
  • Add a burlap barrier – Trees tend to be tough, and built to stand the winter. Nevertheless, they sometimes need a helping hand. If you’ve got young trees, plant some stakes around the tree and wrap burlap around the stakes. Leave some space between the foliage and burlap to allow the tree to “breathe.” The burlap provides a layer of insulation, trapping heat and keeping the tree warm during winter. Remember to take all that winter protection off when spring arrives; the tree will need some space to grow.

Winter Tree Care Made Easy

  • Do some cleanup – Winter can be a great time to get ahead of cleaning around the tree. Many parasites and diseases remain dormant until spring, so it’s a golden opportunity to clean up to remove conditions that could boost germ growth. Consider getting a tree spray to control any pests and diseases harming your tree as well. It’s a good way to catch any unseen issues plaguing the tree, at a time when the usual suspects are usually dormant themselves. Any leftover leaves in the yard can be an unexpected windfall. Add the leaves to your compost pile to turn them into compost and mulch. You can use that to keep your trees warm and provide the nutrients they need to grow healthy.

In some ways, owning a tree is like having a pet. It’s a big responsibility, and it takes some effort to keep it safe. However, unlike a pet, a tree is also an investment that can significantly improve the value of your home. Trees provide benefits like shade, fruit, and protection from the outside world. Your trees are valuable, so it follows you’d take good care of them. Trees are tough, but they can use a helping hand in winter. Use these tips to help make the job of caring for your trees that much easier.

When you’re looking for quality tree care service, give Dave Lund Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. a call. We offer a full range of services, from pest control to cabling. Our arborists provide high-quality work at competitive rates. You’re getting more bang for your buck.

Drop us a line at (905) 884-0511 (Richmond Hill) or (905) 775-1020 (Bradford); we’d love to hear from you.