Trees are a vital part of our Markham landscape. For homeowners, trees are a great asset that provide plenty of shade, beauty, and environmental benefits. As homeowners embarking on a property development project, you may have some mature trees on your land. While the ideal scenario is to preserve these giants, there are situations where tree removal becomes necessary. This guide is here to explore why tree removal might be unavoidable when development projects come along and offer guidance on navigating this decision responsibly.

Understanding the Importance of Trees 

Before diving into reasons for removal, let’s acknowledge the value trees bring. Trees act as natural air purifiers, filtering pollutants and releasing oxygen. They provide shade, reducing energy consumption for cooling your home. Additionally, trees offer aesthetic appeal, increase property value, and create a habitat for wildlife. In short, trees provide plenty of utility and aesthetic value to your property, which begs the question of why you may have to remove them. 

When Does Tree Removal Become Necessary?

Despite their benefits, there are times when tree removal becomes unavoidable for a responsible development project. Some of the reasons why a tree removal might become necessary include:

Safety Concerns

A tree’s health and stability are paramount. Dead, diseased, or storm-damaged trees pose a significant threat to people and property. Some specific safety concerns to take note of include:

Dead trees are very likely to collapse, and often need to be removed immediately

Dead or Dying Trees

Dead trees are brittle and lose their structural integrity. Limbs are prone to breaking unexpectedly and falling on people, vehicles, or structures. Dead trees are also more susceptible to insect infestations, attracting pests that could spread to healthy trees nearby. 

Storm-Damaged Trees

Severe weather events like windstorms, lightning strikes, or heavy snowfall can cause significant damage to trees. Split or cracked trunks, uprooted trees, or large broken branches hanging precariously all pose a safety hazard. In such cases, a qualified arborist can assess the damage and determine if the tree can be saved or needs to be removed.

Foundation Damage

Tree roots grow extensively in search of water and nutrients. While this is beneficial for the tree’s health, it can, however, cause problems if your trees are planted too close to a foundation. Here’s a closer look at how tree roots can damage foundations:

Cracks and Structural Instability

As tree roots grow, they also exert pressure on the surrounding soil. If a tree is planted too close to a foundation, its roots can grow beneath it, causing the foundation to crack and settle. These cracks can compromise the structural integrity of your home, leading to expensive repairs and potential safety concerns. 

Damage to Underground Utilities

Tree roots can also damage underground utilities like sewer lines and water pipes. Roots are sometimes able to grow into and break pipes, causing leaks and sewage backups. Identifying and removing problematic trees can prevent costly repairs and disruptions to your home’s essential services.

Tree Species and Location

Not all trees are created equal. Here’s how specific factors can influence the need for removal:

Aggressive Root Systems

Certain tree species, like silver maples or poplars, are known for their aggressive root systems. These fast-growing roots can spread extensively and cause significant foundation damage if planted too close to buildings. 

Fast Growth Rate

Trees with rapid growth rates can quickly outgrow their intended space. This can lead to issues with blocking sunlight, interfering with power lines, or crowding other desired landscaping features. In some cases, proactive removal of fast-growing trees might be necessary to avoid future problems.

Proximity to Power Lines

Trees planted too close to power lines pose a safety hazard. As trees grow, their branches can come into contact with power lines, causing electrical outages or fires. In such cases, tree removal might be necessary to maintain a safe distance between vegetation and electrical infrastructure.

Construction Constraints

Sometimes, the very nature of your development project might necessitate the removal of trees to make way for essential elements:

New Structures and Driveways

The footprint of your new building or the placement of a driveway might require the removal of trees that would otherwise obstruct construction. While creative design solutions can sometimes minimize tree removal, there may be instances where some trees simply cannot be accommodated within the project’s footprint.

Landscaping Features

Your development project might involve the creation of new landscaping features like patios, decks, or swimming pools. Depending on the location and size of these features, some trees might need to be removed to allow for proper construction and functionality.

Tree Health and Disease

Some beloved trees might also be suffering from an incurable disease. Early detection and treatment are crucial, but there are situations where the tree poses a threat to other healthy trees or the surrounding environment:

Incurable Diseases

Certain tree diseases like emerald ash borer or Dutch Elm Disease are highly contagious and can devastate entire populations of trees. Indeed, emerald ash borers alone are responsible for the deaths of millions of trees over the last twenty years, and they’ll keep going if homeowners aren’t careful. If a tree is infected with an incurable disease, its removal might be necessary to prevent the spread of the disease and protect healthy trees in the vicinity.

Infected trees are often a danger to other trees around them

Environmental Concerns

In some cases, a diseased tree might become a haven for invasive insects or pests. These pests can then spread to other healthy trees and disrupt the natural ecosystem. Removing a diseased tree can help eliminate this problem and keep the rest of your trees healthy. 

Navigating Tree Removal Responsibly 

If tree removal becomes necessary for your Markham property development project, it’s also vital you remove them safely and properly. Some steps to ensure the job’s done responsibly include:

Consulting a Certified Arborist

An arborist is a tree care professional with the expertise to assess your trees’ health and recommend the best course of action. They can advise on potential mitigation strategies to save trees and suggest alternative development plans that minimize removal. If additional work needs to be done, professional arborists also have the training and expertise to remove your trees safely. Tree-related work can be a difficult job for the layman. Last year, a Markham man was killed by a stray piece of wood as he was cutting a tree on his property. However simple the job might look, it’s always best to leave it to the pros. 

Securing Municipal Permits and By-laws

Tree removal in Markham, like most Canadian cities, is often regulated by municipal by-laws. Contact your local Markham by-law office to determine if a permit is required for tree removal on your property. The size, species, and location of the tree will all factor into the permitting process.

Exploring Tree Preservation Options

Where possible, explore ways to save trees during development. Techniques like root pruning or directional boring for utilities can help minimize root disturbance. Consider transplanting healthy trees to another location on your property or donating them to a local arboretum.

Hiring a Reputable Tree Removal Company

Tree removal can be a complex task. To make the task easier, choose a qualified and insured tree removal company with experience working in urban environments. Ensure they have the proper equipment and adhere to safety regulations. 

Replanting and Reforestation

While some tree removal might be unavoidable, consider replanting trees as part of your development project. This helps offset the environmental impact and enhances the long-term value of your property. Consult with a landscape designer to choose suitable tree species for your newly developed space.

Tree removal for property development should always be a last resort. By understanding the reasons for removal, consulting with professionals, and exploring responsible options, Markham homeowners can make informed decisions that prioritize safety, property development goals, and environmental well-being. Remember, with careful planning and responsible practices, you can minimize tree removal and ensure your development project contributes to a greener Markham. 

At Dave Lund Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd., we are dedicated to providing our clients with reliable, high-quality tree services to ensure your trees are well-cared for. With over 40 years of experience, our team has all the qualifications needed to ensure your trees are dealt with safely and efficiently, no matter what problems they may have. Give us a call now at (905) 884-0511 to get the quality tree care you deserve.