A tree provides shade, beauty, and several environmental benefits, including clean air, shade, and shelter for wildlife. However, despite their numerous advantages, trees are susceptible to pests and diseases, which can cause them to weaken, become damaged, shorten their lifespan, and pose safety risks to your family, pets, and property. Tree-cutting services are not the ideal solution in such cases.

Aside from tree removal, tree pruning, and tree trimming services, tree spraying is 1 of the most effective methods to ensure your trees’ long-term health and vitality. This tree service involves the application of specialized chemicals to tree foliage and bark to ward off pests and diseases.

If you’re a homeowner or property manager, you know how important it is to maintain the health and appearance of your trees. In this article, we’ll explore what tree spraying is and how it can be an effective method of keeping pests and diseases at bay. We’ll also look at some of the most common tree pests and diseases and the numerous benefits of regular tree spraying by tree service companies in Ontario.

What Is Tree Spraying?

Tree spraying should be handled by professionals

Tree spraying involves applying a chemical or natural solution to the leaves, trunk, or soil to prevent or control pests or diseases.

Tree spraying is often used as a preventative measure to avoid infestations, but it can also be used as a treatment if a tree is already affected. Some of the most common tree spraying techniques include aerial spraying, ground spraying, or injection of a solution. The application method depends on the size of the tree and the area to be covered.

Hiring professional tree services can be a wise investment in protecting your trees from pests and diseases. Tree spraying experts have specialized equipment and extensive training to ensure a safe and effective procedure.

7 Common Tree Pests and Diseases

Here are common tree pests and diseases that can damage your trees:

  • Dutch elm diseaseA fungal disease that affects elm trees and causes yellowing, wilting, and death of branches.
  • Asian longhorned beetle – A wood-boring beetle that attacks hardwood trees and can cause significant damage to the tree’s trunk and branches.
  • Birch leafminer – A type of pest that can damage all species of birch trees. They have been observed in every Canadian province and territory except Nunavut. These pests can harm birch trees by feeding on their leaves, ultimately leading to defoliation and weakened trees.
  • Emerald ash borer – A beetle that attacks ash trees and kills them within a few years. Adult EAB beetles feed on the leaves of ash trees, but it is the larvae that cause the most damage. EAB larvae burrow into ash tree bark, disrupting water and nutrient transport.
  • Forest tent caterpillar – A caterpillar that can defoliate large areas of forested land, weakening trees and leaving them vulnerable to pests and diseases. 
  • Mountain pine beetle – A destructive pest that attacks various pine species, including lodgepole, ponderosa, and whitebark pine. The beetle’s larvae bore into the bark, creating tunnels to feed on the tree’s nutrients and disrupting water flow. This feeding can significantly damage the tree’s bark, which can lead to the tree’s death.
  • Spruce budworm: A caterpillar known to feed on spruce tree needles. Spruce budworm outbreaks can last for several years, and during this time, they can cause extensive damage to forests and impact the timber industry. Additionally, needle loss from defoliated trees can lead to soil erosion and other environmental problems.

5 Benefits of Tree Spraying

Spraying your trees helps keep them healthy and lush

Tree spraying offers a variety of benefits that can help protect and maintain the health and beauty of trees. Here are some of them:

1. Offer relief from pests and diseases

Tree pests and diseases can lead to significant damage, such as wilting and yellowing of leaves, trunk damage, and even death. Tree spraying can help prevent the spread of these pests and diseases in trees, providing a proactive solution to keep them healthy. It can also be a reactive approach to managing the spread of pests and diseases that have already infected the tree.

Using insecticides and fungicides specifically designed to target pests and diseases, tree spraying ensures an effective and safe solution for the tree. Moreover, it helps prevent the spread of pests and diseases to neighbouring trees, which is vital in maintaining healthy tree populations in the area.

2. Preservation of tree health and longevity

Trees that are not properly cared for can weaken or die prematurely due to pests and diseases. Pests and diseases can also stress trees, leading to other issues such as root damage and nutrient deficiencies. With tree spraying, arborists can reduce this stress and help them maintain their overall health and vigour.

3. Pest control

Tree spraying can also be used as a pest control measure to manage pest populations in a given area. Pests such as beetles, caterpillars, and mites can damage trees and spread to neighbouring trees. Controlling the pest population is crucial to maintaining a healthy tree population, as it prevents the spread of pests to other trees.

Arborists can use different insecticides in tree spraying, including systemic and contact insecticides. Systemic insecticides are absorbed into the tree and circulate through the plant, making it toxic to pests that feed on it. Contact insecticides are sprayed directly onto the pest, which kills it upon contact.

4. Improved air quality and reduced risk of disease transmission to humans or animals

Healthy trees improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. Trees can also act as barriers to noise pollution and reduce heat in urban areas. However, when trees are infected with diseases, they release harmful spores and other particles into the air, harming humans and animals.

Arborists can reduce the risk of disease transmission to humans or animals by using tree spraying to prevent or treat tree diseases.

5. Increase property value and aesthetic appeal

Preventing or treating pests and diseases can help keep your trees healthy and vibrant. This can make a significant difference to the overall appearance of your landscape.

A well-maintained landscape can create a positive first impression of your property, making it more appealing to interested buyers. A beautiful landscape with healthy trees can also provide a sense of tranquillity and relaxation, which is essential in today’s fast-paced world.

Remember that prevention is always better than cure. Regular tree spraying can help prevent pests and diseases from damaging trees, saving you time, money, and frustration in the long run.

To maintain healthy, beautiful trees on your property, consider investing in tree services in Markham, like tree spraying. Your trees will thank you for it, and so will the environment. 

Dave Lund Tree Service is here for all your needs for safe and top-notch tree services, like tree spraying, tree trimming, or tree pruning in Aurora, Markham, and other cities in Ontario. Our certified arborists aim to keep your trees lush and healthy with our safe and reliable local tree services. Call today at 1-800-363-0511.