Even when you don’t have enough space for flowers or tall trees, it’s a great idea to plant hedges in your garden.

Having plants in your garden, no matter how small, has a lot of advantages. For one, garden work is considered good exercise. If you’re usually stuck at your desk, you can break away from the sedentary lifestyle by gardening, raking leaves, digging holes, or pulling up weeds. Gardening can also add value to your home. If you do it right, you can increase the aesthetic appeal of your home. Also, if you’re thinking about selling it in the future, keeping a garden will increase its resale value. While there are various flowers, trees and shrubs that can elevate the look of your garden, this article is all about hedges and everything there is to know for beginners who intend to grow them.

What Are Hedges?

Hedges add value to your home.

Garden hedges are shrubs, trees, flowers, or other plants that are planted close together so they can be used to divide an area or serve as barriers or marks of territory. Hedges can be used for a number of things depending on why you’re planting them.

  • Tall Hedges

Tall hedges are usually dense so the type of plants used are ones that grow dense. These particular plants can grow to great heights and develop thick foliage, which makes them ideal for homeowners who want hedges to act as privacy screens.

  • Informal Hedges

Informal hedges are left to grow naturally. What informal hedges do is blend naturally with the surroundings. It limits or divides a space but it doesn’t limit in the same way as tall or privacy hedges do. If you’re still a beginner who doesn’t have that much time for gardening and you want to try it out first, this is a great choice for you.

Plants That Are Great Hedges for Beginners

Even if you’re a veteran at landscape hedging, it can be difficult to maintain. As a novice, you should start with plants that are easy to care for until you get the hang of it. Once you’ve mastered that, you can progress to plants that are much more difficult to care for or more sophisticated. Here are some hedge-appropriate plants that you can use for the time being.

  • Leylandii

Leylandiis are big and beautiful. It’s very strong, and if you’re looking to make a statement with your hedge, leylandii is a great option. This type of plant can grow well in well-drained fertile soil and they also grow best when they’re fully exposed to the sun. Keep the soil moist and make sure to use only the right type of fertilizer.

  • Flowering Currant

Make sure to plant your flower-bearing currant in the fall or spring. They don’t do well in freezing temperatures so avoid planting during the winter. Plant them at least 30 inches apart to get the best size and length so they don’t overcrowd. Flowering currants can survive and grow well up for at least 2 decades. Just make sure to prune them at the right time and always follow the proper hedge care tips.

  • Hornbeam

If you’ve got a small yard, the hornbeam is a great option for hedges. Although it is not the best-looking option, it’s as strong as any other species out there. They can live for up to 300 years, making them a great investment. Getting this type of hedge will give you and your family something that will last for generations to come.

  • Evergreen Euonymus

Evergreen euonymus can grow up to 10 to 20 feet in width and length. If you’re looking for hedge plants that can give you privacy and enforce boundaries, this is the right one for you. What’s great about this species is that it has perpetually vibrant green leaves throughout most of the year, except in the fall when its leaves turn a beautiful bright red.

  • Forsythia

This is a small bush, growing only 4 to 6 feet. Its long branches are filled with bright yellow bulbs. When the flowers bloom, there’s nothing to block your view of these blooms, not even their leaves. Make sure to keep it fully exposed to the sun and keep the soil moist.

Tips for Planting Hedges

Do your due diligence to know more about hedges

For beginners, there’s always something to learn when it comes to hedging. Hedge care and planting should not be difficult. Check out these basic tips for planting your hedges:

  • Research About Hedges Beforehand

Not all plants are the same. Knowing how plants grow and thrive is key to a beautiful garden. Make sure you research ahead of time and learn about the specific type of plant that you’re getting for your hedge. This way, you’re very prepared for the planting and the actual care of it.

  • Decide on the Height of the Hedge Before Planting It

You have to include in your research how tall and how wide the hedge plants can get once they start growing. This is an especially important consideration if your space is limited. Make sure you get just the right plant for your property.

  • Shear and Hand Prune

Keep your hedges neat and clean by using hand shears or power trimmers. Trim off the branch tips as well as the leaves that are starting to get unruly. Pruning also allows you to thin out the plant so that inner branches and leaves can get enough sunlight. Hand pruning allows you to control the process.

  • Prune Only During the Winter

Pruning during the winter is the best option. In the winter, most plants are in hibernation. Pruning at this time ensures that you don’t run the risk of damaging or stunting their growth.

  • Maintain the Hedge’s Form: Wide Bottom and Narrow Top

If you don’t maintain the hedge, it can grow wide at the top. Once this happens, the hedge form turns into a V and the growth at the top becomes so dense that little to no sunlight can get through. That’s why it’s important to hand prune and maintain the shape of your hedge. This is not for aesthetic purposes only. This will aid in the proper growth of your hedges.

Gardens with hedges look good. Not only can you get some privacy, but it can also help you get that fresher air. Do your research to determine what plants work best in your area and how you’re going to take care of them. If you’re planning to head out to the nearest stores with hedges for sale, make sure you’ve got your plan in order. Check out the dimensions of your space so that way, professionals can also help you get the best option. It’s always best to ask professionals for assistance because they’ve got the knowledge and the experience to teach you.

Contact us at Dave Lund Tree Service and Forestry, 905-884-0511, to know more about our hedge care services in Bradford.