Trees are a great asset for a home; they create a nice contrast to your home and spice up your landscape. To keep them lush and full of life, you need to care for your trees properly. While for some homeowners, this may mean mulching, watering them regularly, and occasionally pruning them, caring for your tree goes deeper than that It also includes hiring professional tree care services to ensure they stay healthy. 

While it’s rare for a tree to get sick, it does happen. Causes can range from overwatering to getting struck by lightning. Learning how to spot signs and symptoms of a sick tree can mean the difference between saving it or killing it.

Keep an eye on your trees to spot diseases early

Symptoms to Watch For

Like people, trees do get sick. Part of caring for a tree involves knowing the symptoms of common tree diseases so you can take care of any issues before they develop into something serious. However, it can be difficult to know what the symptoms look like if you don’t know what to look for. Signs like seeping fluid or fungal growths are a dead giveaway that something’s wrong. However, not all symptoms are so obvious. It behooves homeowners to know some common symptoms of tree problems to let them know something’s wrong. To help you, take note of these signs of sickness to give yourself some warning in case they happen to your trees.

  1. Cracks in the Trunk

    One clear sign of trouble with a tree is cracks throughout its structure, particularly ones located on any branches. Cracks are often caused by heavy snow or strong winds at levels high enough to cause breakage. Some species of trees (like cherry or maple trees) can also experience bark splitting from sun scalding or frost cracks in winter.

    For many homeowners, cracks may not seem like a major problem; trees often continue to survive after cracking, and fixing them may not seem like a priority. However, cracks are often weak points in a tree. It’s much easier for affected areas to break off. It also threatens the integrity of the surrounding areas. Cracks also make a tree more susceptible to infection. Insects and germs can enter the tree more easily via cracks, and pose a greater threat to its health. Pruning your trees (specifically during the winter) is an effective strategy for dealing with weakened limbs. Insects are dormant in winter. The tree is also dormant at the time, so it won’t waste resources healing until spring, when it can bloom more fully and beautifully.

  2. Thinning Canopy

    Trees typically absorb sunlight through the leaves and branches. When a tree’s canopy gets too thin, it becomes harder to get the nutrients it needs to survive. On average, a tree that has lost over 30% of its canopy is usually beyond saving. Keep an eye out for branches lacking lush, green leaves. Green leaves are a sign the tree still has enough chlorophyll to produce food.

    Thinning leaves may occur as a result of a pest infestation. Some culprits include the emerald ash borer or gypsy moth. In case of pests, it’s prudent to call an arborist to help address the infestation and get some professional advice on how to save your tree. Canopy loss is one of those problems that can be fixed if caught early enough. Perform regular inspections of the canopy and take note of any unnatural-looking changes you detect.

    Watch the leaves for strange discolouration

  3. Leaf Discolouration

    Leaf issues are often a clear sign of distress in a tree. Some are easy to diagnose; for example, holes in leaves usually indicate an insect problem. However, strange spots, withering, or deformity are often evidence of a deeper problem, like tar spot disease.

    As a rule of thumb, it’s usually best to be vigilant of anything other than healthy and vibrant leaves, flowers, and foliage. In case of irregularities, do some research to help narrow down what the problem might be. Any additional information may be useful when contacting an arborist. The more detailed the information you can provide, the easier it is for the arborist to identify the issue and get a solution.

  4. Premature Shedding

    Trees are supposed to shed their leaves every year, but only at the right times. Trees whose leaves change colour or drop too soon, it may be a warning sign. Dropping leaves early is often a tree’s way of “resting” by getting ready for winter ahead of schedule. Rather than spend all its energy early and be vulnerable during winter, the tree sheds its leaves and enters early dormancy. This way, the tree “sleeps” off the sickness until spring, when it’s better rested.

    In case of any early shedding, get in touch with an arborist who can offer a full tree health assessment. A professional may also use the tree with deep root fertilization or pesticide. These can act like vitamins or medicine to help the tree fight the infection and build resistance over the winter.

  5. Root Damage

    A tree’s roots are essential. They allow them to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. Any damage to the roots is often a serious problem for your trees. However, it may be difficult to determine if there’s a problem given that the roots are hidden underground. Wilted and thinning leaves are often a symptom of root problems, so be especially vigilant when you detect issues in the canopy. Problems in one section of a tree may indicate a deeper issue in another area. It’s generally best to call a professional arborist to diagnose any issues properly and offer solutions that address a problem directly.

    Fungi on the tree’s bark may be cause for concern

  6. Fungal Growth

    Fungal growths are another clear sign of a serious problem. Large fungal growths often indicate internal infection. In that case, having an arborist take a look is a smart move. Fungi typically spread via airborne spores or through infection from another plant or tree. Keep an eye out for fungal growths on the trunk or growths found at the base of the tree. Fungus typically continues to grow unless removed, so take immediate steps once you’ve determined that there is a problem. With quick action, you may be able to treat the fungus before it progresses far enough to threaten the tree’s health too severely.

  7. Signs of Pests

    Pests are another common cause of weakness or illness in trees. Termites are the usual suspect, but they aren’t the only pests that can make themselves at home. Other culprits like wood wasps and stem borers are common threats to trees. Carpenter ants and bark beetles are other threats to take seriously. These particular pests tend to favour weakened or dying trees, placing them in greater danger.

    Signs of pests may include nests, wood shavings, or sawdust near the tree, but there may be more that you might miss on your own. For ideal results, give a licensed arborist a call. Not only can they identify other, less obvious signs, but they can also offer safe pest control options. It’s crucial to remove these pests without giving them a chance to get away and cause similar trouble to other trees in the yard, or your house. Once you spot the first signs, take steps right away to minimize the damage and get your tree some help. 

In many cases, the symptoms of tree sickness can overlap. To make sure that the problem gets diagnosed accurately, always be sure to contact a licensed arborist. A good arborist has the expertise to identify your tree’s problem and offer effective solutions to help you save it.

Can You Save a Sick Tree?

When it comes to a sick tree, speed is of the essence. An injured tree is a potential safety hazard (particularly if the trunk or branches are affected),. Quick action may also make all the difference when a tree’s health is at stake. There may still be time to save it if you move quickly.

Contact a licensed arborist for professional tree care

Sick trees typically exhibit the same symptoms as dying or dead trees, but the symptoms are usually less widespread. Defective trees are dangerous, but some defects can be treated to extend their lifespan. Contacting an arborist vastly improves the chances of saving the tree. Get in touch with a licensed arborist nearby to get a helping hand looking after the health of your trees. Regular maintenance like enlisting tree pruning services, fixing structural issues, and treating diseases and pests are great practices to help care for your trees. Make a habit of regular checkups to stay on top of your trees’ health as you move forward.

The next time you need professional arborist services, give Dave Lund Tree Service a call. We offer a wide range of tree care services to Markham and Bradford clients to help keep your trees green and healthy. We will diagnose what’s wrong with your tree and offer the proper solutions to rid it of pests and diseases and to help it thrive. Reach out to us at (905) 884-0511 or send us a message on our contact page.