Trees are a great addition to your garden. Beautiful, majestic trees not only complete the aesthetic of your splendid landscape but also provide privacy and shade wherever they are planted. Some trees can give us a source of fresh, delicious fruits.

However, when it comes to planting trees, there are several things to take into consideration. While trees bring plenty of benefits, certain trees should be avoided as they cause more trouble than they are worth.

Some tree species grow strong and large roots that can be destructive, especially when planted near the foundation of your house. Others can grow extremely large and pose a serious risk at a certain point in the future. Certain trees have weak wood while others attract pests and diseases.

Before you decide what type of tree to plant in your yard, take some time to research which species to avoid. Planting trees in the backyard requires careful planning and preparation to ensure that the tree thrives and prevent any unexpected consequences. Keep an eye out for these top 10 worst trees for your yard.

1.Red Oak

Red oaks can grow into beautiful, majestic trees, but they can cause plenty of mess, dropping large leaves and acorns in autumn. Avoid parking your car underneath the tree as fallen acorns from high branches can cause minor dents in your car.

These trees are known to shed catkins, tiny clusters of pollen-bearing flowers that can trigger allergic symptoms, like sneezing, nasal congestion, and itchy, watery eyes. Catkins can also cause damage to the electrical components if they are not removed from your car.

2.Silver Maple

Silver maple is a large, fast-growing shade tree that is quite popular with landscape contractors and homeowners. However, it has a shallow root system that tends to seek moist places, like sewers and pipes. This can damage your underground plumbing system and garden over time. Additionally, silver maple has terribly weak wood, making it dangerous when exposed to storms and strong winds.


Cottonwoods have shallow root systems

Like silver maple, cottonwood trees have a weak wood structure. Since these trees are not hardy enough to withstand storms and winds, they can be more prone to limb breakage and damage. Exposure to these elements will mean that cottonwood will fall down sooner, and you will need to call a certified arborist offering a tree removal service in Bradford and the nearby areas.

In late spring or early summer, cottonwoods bear and shed fluffy, cotton-like seeds, which can stick to just about any surface. In addition to that, they can also be messy, dropping leaves and tiny sticks constantly. Cottonwoods are also known for their aggressive and shallow root system.


Also known as the silk tree, mimosas are beautiful trees that grow frilly leaves and striking pink flowers — but that is just it about this tree. In addition to its invasive root system, this tree is short-lived, weak-wooded, insect- and disease-prone. It is also unpopular in neighbourhoods as its seedlings can spread far and wide. Even more importantly, its seed pods are toxic. So if you have children and pets, removing the tree from your backyard prevents the seed pods from accidentally ending up in curious mouths.


If you do not want to deal with mess and stains in your driveway, walkway, patio, or porch, avoid planting mulberry. This is one of the worst trees to plant near your house. Its fruit can attract birds, which can leave droppings everywhere. Like the other trees mentioned above, its invasive root system can also be destructive to your plumbing system and house foundation. It can cause large cracks on your pavement and upend your landscape.


Sycamores are known for their attractive appearance and elegant structure, but they are not ideal trees to plant in the city. Their magnificent heights often make them a danger to the surroundings. These trees are susceptible to pests and fungi. Diseased sycamore can weaken over time and can topple over onto your roof, vehicle, or passersby. Make sure to contact a licensed arborist to ensure tree removal is done professionally and properly before overgrown trees can cause costly property damage or injury to unsuspecting passersby.

7.Siberian Elm

When planted in residential areas, elm trees can be extremely problematic due to their high germination rate. This causes the tree to rapidly and aggressively spread outside of its designated planting area. Its weak, brittle wood can easily break when exposed to years of storms and winds. The Siberian elm also attracts highly invasive beetle species that cause damage to its appearance and further weaken its structure.

8.Female Ginkgo

Gingko trees make a good addition to your landscape — if it is male. Male ginkgos have beautiful fall foliage that turns bright yellow and grows at a slow to moderate pace. They are hardy and require minimum maintenance. However, avoid planting female ginkgo trees if you do not want to deal with their messy and smelly fruit droppings. So if you want a gingko tree in your garden, make sure to choose the correct variety.


Eucalyptus trees are a fire hazard

While its strong minty scent appeals to many people, the Eucalyptus tree is a maintenance nightmare. It sheds its bark seasonally and its large sticky branches can easily break and fall off to the ground, potentially causing damage to your property or injury to nearby people. What makes it even worse is that its oil is highly flammable, making it a fire hazard.

10.Weeping Willow

Its aggressive, water-hungry root system is reason enough why you should not plant this tree. Its roots can grow large and strong; they can ruin underground water lings and crack your pavement. Weeping willows may be beautiful on the outside but it is highly susceptible to pests and diseases.

Planting a tree is an investment, so do not just settle for its shape and appearance. If you are ready to transform your landscape by planting a tree or two, contact Dave Lund Tree Service & Forestry Co Ltd. Our ISA-certified arborists are experts in residential, commercial, and industrial tree care services, from tree removal, stump grinding, hedge trimming, and tree pruning. Give us a call today at (905) 775-1020 to book an appointment, or fill out our contact form to send us a message. We would love to hear how we can help you.