Trees can grow anywhere and come in a bewildering number of types, each with a unique growth pattern. Having a tree on your front lawn or backyard gives you not just a beautiful scenery but also fresh air. But when will this tree die? There are certain factors for you to have an idea if the tree is indeed dying or not.

Stages of a Tree’s LifeType of Tree

Some tree species grow very large over the years and stay strong even after they die. Some trees grow a little and live a comparatively short time. Most yard trees can live for decades, and after a long life die relatively quickly. Common signs of a dying tree are falling leaves, dry leaves, falling branches and twigs, a weak trunk and fewer fruits and flowers.

External Forces

Though trees naturally die, mainly because of aging, there are also external forces that make a trees life shorter than expected. Such forces are natural calamities like storms, earthquakes, and even tornadoes. But human beings are also considered external forces, because people can damage them on purpose or by accidents, cutting trees improperly, improper use of pesticides and fertilizers, and more.

Ensuring a Tree is Healthy

Trees die but they can heal themselves. With help from experienced tree services, even a badly damaged tree can recover. This can be done by spraying it to stop a disease or insect infestation, pruning damaged branches, and sealing cuts in the tree to prevent diseases. With the right tree service, you can ensure your trees stay healthy and beautiful for a long time.