Maybe you are wondering why your plants are not blooming despite all your efforts. It can be frustrating to work hard on maintaining your garden, pouring fertilizer to make sure it gets the right nutrition but not seeing any effect.

One thing you should look into is whether or not your garden lacks soil aeration.

Soil Aeration 101

Aeration: Why Your Garden Needs It and How to Do It Right

Aeration is the process of letting air circulate through the soil so the dissolved gases and oxidized dissolved metals are removed. This process should be first on the list after plant treatment. Aeration of the soil is usually done on turf areas to reduce compaction and thatch buildup and for improving water infiltration.

The soil is usually filled with dissolved gases like carbon dioxide and dissolved metals like hydrogen sulphide, iron, and volatile organic chemicals. Having them can interfere with plant treatment. They can be harmful in the following ways:

  • High levels of carbon dioxide can increase the acidity of water. If the water is acidic, grasses and other plants will have stunted growth. While there are plants that can grow in acidic water, there are only very few grasses and plants that can thrive in it.
  • Heavy metal composition in the soil has toxic effects on plants. If this is not lessened, it can post threats to the agro-ecosystems, affecting plants and insects.

Another reason for aeration is to lessen compacted soil. This is the condition when soil drainage becomes a problem which inhibits nutrients, water, and air to flow to the grass and plant’s roots consequently depriving them of a chance to grow healthily.

Aeration: Why Your Garden Needs It and How to Do It Right

Compacted soils happen due to a variety of reasons such as when vehicles or equipment pass by the turf or when kids and pets play in it. This is most observable in clay soil where aeration may need to be done more frequently. Some of the signs that your soil is compacted is when the grass looks stressed, rainwater puddles, and the soil itself is hard to the touch. You may also try sticking a pointed gardening instrument in to see if there is resistance.

Lastly, thatch, a natural organic matter that rests between the soil and the grass, also makes aeration necessary. If there is minimal thatch on your lawn, it is not a problem since it helps grass grow. However, if the lawn feels spongy due to a large amount of thatch, then it would demand to be aerated.

Why Aerating Your Lawn is Necessary

Aeration: Why Your Garden Needs It and How to Do It Right

Regular maintenance is the key to keeping a healthy turf. Most lawn owners would reserve the maintenance once a year but it is highly encouraged that they take steps throughout the year and one of those is soil aeration. This process involves boring holes down the soil to lessen compaction. Gardens and lawns can greatly benefit from this if done properly and at the right time.

Water, nutrients, and air are important factors to keep the grass healthy. If soil is compacted, the flow of essential nutrients is inhibited. Even the slightest compacted soil can affect the health of the lawn. When the roots are deprived of their basic needs, they do not grow well, lose their colour, and eventually die.

Lawns can benefit from aeration in the following ways:

  • Improved water, oxygen, and nutrient movement in the soil
  • An increased population of soil microorganism for thatch decomposition
  • Healthier roots
  • Prevention of any fertilizer and pesticide run-off o

However, not all lawns need aeration. The season and earthworm activity can help in loosening compacted soils. The freezing and thawing cycles during winter and the presence of worms are among the natural aeration activities of nature. Lawns that have been seeded or sodded in the past year should not be aerated.

How to Do Aeration Right

Aeration: Why Your Garden Needs It and How to Do It Right

There are rental aerators that you can use for lawn care and there are also landscape companies like Dave Lund Tree Service and Forestry Co. Ltd. that can perform this service. If you are taking the do-it-yourself route, here are tips on aeration that you need to remember:

  • The machine needs to have hollow tines that can bring the soil’s core to the surface. You have to time your plan to aerate the soil since Canada provinces and territories could experience differences in weather and soil conditions.
  • The soil needs to be moist but not very wet. Remember to water the lawn 2 days before aerating so the tines can penetrate deeper.
  • If you are aerating after rainy days, wait for the soil to dry so that the soil core will not stick to the hollow tines.
  • Aerating should be in 2 different directions for better coverage. Take caution for when aerating slopes, steep lands, landscape beds, and near buildings.

The Benefits of Professional Aeration Services

Aeration: Why Your Garden Needs It and How to Do It Right

Do-it-yourself aeration is made possible by rental aerators. The problem with doing it yourself is the chances of hit and miss results. Sometimes, you end up spending more to salvage your lawn after damage due to DIY aeration.

Here are a few reasons to stick with professional aeration services:

  • Professionals have the aerators ready

Chances are, you are going to rent a machine to do the job. Rentals are not as inexpensive as you may think they are. On the other hand, if you are to hire professionals, they are equipped with aerators and can do the job straight away.

  • Professionals are trained to do the job right

Years of experience makes a person do jobs better, more efficiently, and right. Simply put, professionals have the knowledge on how to best care for lawns pre-aeration, during aeration, and post-aeration.

  • Professional services lessen the chances of damages

Soil aeration can affect the plants and even drainage and pipes around a vicinity. If done by a non-professional, the result would be damages that would take a lot more time and money to correct.

  • Professionals lessen the physical burden of taking care of your home

Using aeration machines does not guarantee the best work. Some homeowners are even surprised to find out that soil aeration is not an easy task since the machine is heavy.

Soil aeration is a vital task that your lawn needs to remain healthy. The proper flow of air and nutrients is the right of plants and grasses are no different. This once-a-year activity can provide the roots their much-needed access to oxygen and nutrients. The result is a green and healthy grass population that adds to the beauty of your home.

Dave Lund Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd is a team of professional arborists with years of experience, having serviced the York Regions for almost 4 decades now. We are committed to bringing the best tree care and other related services to our clients. We would be happy to help each client with their tree and lawn care needs.

If you need help with soil aeration, we are willing to help you. Our team of professional service contractors have knowledge and skills in keeping turfs healthy. Simply call (905)-884-0511, 1-800-363-0511, and (905)-775-1020 or use the contact form on our website.