How To Safely Remove Or Treat Diseased Trees in Your Yard

It’s said that more than 80% of plant diseases are caused by fungus. Fungi make up one of the five kingdoms used by biologists to classify living organisms. The fungi kingdom includes living organisms that lack the green pigment, chlorophyll, found in plants. Therefore, fungi get their nutrients from the soil or by living as a parasite on other organisms. They are characterized by threadlike hyphae (similar to roots), which may form a network or “mycelium.” Fungi can infect the flowers, shrubs and trees around your home, as well as crop plants such as wheat, tomatoes, blueberries and fruit trees.

Recognize Fungal Diseases in Your Trees and Plants

How to recognize some of the common plant fungal diseases. Various websites and books provide pictures and descriptions of various fungi. This will help you spot them both on nature walks and in your own gardens.

Fungal diseases of flowering plants. Many flowering plants are susceptible to fungal diseases (including black spot and powdery mildew). Black spot disease is recognized by black spots developing on the leaves of plants, particularly roses. Roses are susceptible to powdery mildew, which appears as a dusting of white powdery-looking substance on the leaves of plants. Some other ornamentals affected by this mildew include zinnias, snapdragons, phlox, and lilacs.

Recognize Fungal Diseases in Your Trees and Plants

Fungal diseases of trees. Both conifers and hardwood trees can be affected by fungi. Symptoms include stunting and killing of seedlings, chlorosis (yellowing of leaves), and shoot curling. Affected conifers can include Red Pine, Scots pine, and black and white spruce.

Fungal diseases of vegetable garden and crop plants. Fungal diseases are a serious threat to crop plants and fruit trees. Various fungal blights, rots, and rusts can affect your fruit bearing plants including apples, pears and blueberries.

Recognize Fungal Diseases in Your Trees and Plants

If you suspect you’re dealing with a fungal disease on your plants, timely intervention can help you control or eradicate the fungus. In Ontario, call Dave Lund Tree Service and Forestry Co. Ltd at (905) 884-0511 for effective treatment of fungal diseases affecting plants, trees, or shrubs.